Thursday 17 October 2013

Trends I'm lovin'

I may not be the trend-following type but that does not mean that I don't find myself falling in love with them. 'Tis the season to rock those trends (isn't it always?) but as always DO NOT TURN INTO A WALKING CATALOG!!!!!!!! Find a trend that best suits your personality and works well with your figure and complexion.

One trend that I'm really loving is the monochromatic trend, I mean who can go wrong with simple but saucy black and white.

 I also love the sheer trend but I prefer it lined, coz it might be high fashion to have boobs showing but I prefer them put away.

White is such a timeless color that always finds its way back into our hearts. We love to hate it and hate to love it, but it certainly ain't goin' nowhere!

Let's get lacy, ladies! I'm not talking about bedroom lace. Lace can be done in so many different ways but one rule applies, if your lace is not lined DO wear a bra that matches the color of your lace!

Now this trend is one that I personally am afraid to go crazy about. Orient refers to clothing that has Japanese or Chinese influence. I personally do this trend by wearing kimono sleeve clothing.

 Trends, trends, trends..... Be sure to choose the one that best suits you!

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