Wednesday 16 October 2013

It's a guy...girl thing

They say men are from Mars and women from Venus, but that sure doesn't mean we can't borrow stuff from each other's closets! Androgyny refers to feminine and masculine traits and fashion is one field where this can be exhibited. The androgynous look isn't quite as extreme as cross-dressing. It is associated with drag queens. Designers who I think were part of forming the androgynous trend include Coco Chanel, Beau Brummel, Marlene Dietrich and Giorgio Armani. While I personally would not be fully androgynous in my dressing, I love incorporating men's clothing into my outfits. And so do some celebrities.

I love how Kim was bold enough to try this but it just didn't work. She's pregnant but that's no excuse.I think she should have swapped the pants for a skirt and added a bit of girlishness to this outfit. For someone who normally nails her looks, this is terribly disappointing.

I love this look for Gwen. I also love how it's very masculine but with the addition of the bow-tie and hat is oh-so-cool and girly. I love how it also gives off a Western feel. And of course, it wouldn't Gwen without the signature red lippie.

I like this outfit that Rihanna had for the Met Gala back in 2009. The padded shoulders were bang on trend. The hair is edgy as always. I love how the pants are ankle-cut as this shows of her killer heels and femininity.

This has had to be the cutest and most fashionable looks Beyonce has worn. Now this is how you rock this look when pregnant. Okay, Kimmie?

Rihanna totally rocked this look. The hair is on point as always and who thought that the pop of colour would be in the form of hair? The cut is impeccable! The nude heels are sexy and lengthen those lovely legs!

And of course, the queen of the masculine look.....Miss Janelle Monae! This lady sure can look good doing this look. This is definitely her signature style. Whether casual, smart or all dressed up, she sure does pull this off to a t! 

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